Explore the Cutting-Edge Technology of Tomorrow.io
Complex Event Processing
Tomorrow.io’s science team has been behind some of the biggest innovations in the weather. Learn more about the technology behind Tomorrow.io works with our technology overview.
1Forecast (1F)
Tomorrow.io’s proprietary 1 Forecast (1F) aggregates in real-time data from existing numerical weather prediction models including those from NOAA and ECMWF, as well as our proprietary numerical weather prediction model in an automated and seamless way. Learn more about 1 Forecast.
Luke Peffers, PhD
Chief Weather Officer
The proprietary models and machine learning algorithms our team is constantly iterating on are truly remarkable advancements to unlock new levels of critical decision making in real-time.
Validation Practice
At Tomorrow.io, we have made it a top priority to build a validation practice to constantly monitor weather data that we deliver and to optimize our solution.