Website Privacy policy
- Clarifications regarding” Information we collect” and “SHARING” of that information
- “CHILDREN’S PRIVACY” added clause 2
- “INFORMATION SECURITY” additional information
- Addition of “MARKETING” paragraph
- Update And elaboration of “COOKIES AND ANALYTICS” clause
- Clarification of section 14 “CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY”
- Change of office address
Weather Intelligence Platform and API privacy policy
- Clarifications regarding “Retaining and deleting collected information”
- Clarifications regarding Information we collect and SHARING of that information
- CHILDREN’S PRIVACY added clause 2
- Examples of Cookies we use and additional information on Cookies and google analytics
- INFORMATION SECURITY additional information
- Added section 12 – Third-party collection of information
- Change of office address Consumer App Privacy Policy
- “CHILDREN’S PRIVACY” Clarification – App not for use under age of 16
- Added information regarding “Google Analytics”
- Usage of information for marketing purposes
- Addition of “MARKETING” paragraph
- Change of office address B2B Terms Of Service
- Added clarification regarding customer rights to store Datafeed